Tips for Visible Natural Foundation

Tips for Visible Natural Foundation - Makeup with uneven foundation, will make the makeup look messy. However, there are many women who do not master the ways that foundation looks natural and blends with the skin. Know how to use the right, as reported by, Saturday (06/11/2016).
Tips for Visible Natural Foundation

1. Prepare the skin before using foundation
It is important to pay attention to the condition of the skin and prepare it before using foundation. Foundation used on dry skin and peeling it will further clarify the skin condition, otherwise if your skin is very oily, the foundation will quickly fade.

Before the foundation wear wash your skin. Afterward wear moisturizer for dry skin, oily skin use being for toner. Lastly, use sunscreen if you wear foundation in the morning / afternoon.

2. Use Primer
This primer is very important to help the skin look beautiful. With primary, skin pores and fine lines and wrinkles in the skin faintly visible. Oil was also absorbed in the skin so your foundation last longer.

3. Use the right color
This step is very important that the foundation look natural and not look like a mask. When attempting to apply a little foundation color on the chin near the neck. The closest color color neck is the right foundation color.

It is also important to try foundation color in the sun, because the color of light can change the color tone foundation.

4. Use according to skin type
For oily skin choose a basic material and oil-free water (oil-free), while for normal and dry skin choose containing moisturizing (hydrating).

5. Select the right texture
If you want a light texture, then liquid foundation and the form of foam (foam) as well as solid powder can be selected. If you want a heavier texture and is capable of delivering a very smooth skin (usually used for official events for the evening or bridal) try a cream foundation. If you photographed or were the cameras try foundation types HD (High Definition) being able to give a seamless look but still natural-looking skin.

6. Use piecemeal
Titikkan one or two points of foundation in all parts of the face and blend until smooth with a brush or sponge. If it is less then you can easily add one or two more points. It will be easier than if you are wearing too much foundation to have to remove it and start again from scratch.

7. Spray a facial spray / facial mist
Finished using powder foundation and try to spray a facial spray / mist's facial skin in order to look more fresh and not too stiff for the foundation. In the daytime this spray also helps to keep the foundation in face look back fresher. Do not spray too close so that the face is not wet.


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