Indonesian food: food typical southern Sumatra

Indonesian food: food typical southern Sumatra

Indonesian food: food typical southern Sumatra - Pempek or Empek-empek Palembang is a typical food made from fish and sago. Actually it is difficult to say that the center is the pempek Palembang because in almost all areas in South Sumatra produce it.

Presentation pempek black sauce accompanied by brownish called vinegar or cuko (in Palembang). Cuko made from boiled water, then add brown sugar, ebi shrimp and mashed cayenne pepper, garlic, and salt. For the indigenous people of Palembang, cuko from the first made spicy to increase appetite. But with the influx of migrants from outside the island of Sumatra, the current commonly found cuko with a sweet taste to those who do not like spicy. Cuko can protect teeth from caries (decay enamel and dentin). Because in one liter of solution for pizza sauce is usually contained 9-13 ppm fluoride. a complement to the distinctive taste eating food are slices of fresh cucumber dice and yellow noodles


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