Benefits Petai and Jengkol also Side Effects

Benefits Petai and Jengkol also Side Effects - What are the benefits of petai and benefits jengkol? Also known side effects if consumed excessively. Petai and jengkol are foods that are almost the same as it has a bad odor at the time of taking it, but both types of this plant has a different shape. For that, on this occasion I will explain about the benefits of bananas and jengkol also the side effects to us. The following information.
Benefits Petai and Jengkol also Side Effects

Jengkol Benefits and Side Effects

Bigfoot is one of the plant species found in the region of Southeast Asia, this plant has the Latin name Archidendron Pauciflorum. Bigfoot is included into the group of leguminous shaped flattened spiral, shiny brown fruit color and layered thin epidermis. But unfortunately jengkol has an unpleasant smell and can also cause odor in urine after taking it, especially if eaten raw as fresh vegetables

However there are many people who love it especially when processed into a dish with spices, so jengkol can be delicious cuisines. Besides, taking jengkol also turned out to be beneficial for health

benefits jengkol

1. It can be useful to smooth bowel movement or laxative
2. Consuming jengkol also was able to prevent diabetes or diabetes
3. Can prevent the risk of coronary heart disease
4. Dispose of harmful toxins in the body

Although consuming jengkol no health benefits, but if consumed in excess can cause side effects to our health.

The side effects jengkol

Jengkol consume excessive side effects, such as

1. If jengkol consuming too much can cause difficulty urinating and accompanied by pain. To overcome this, it is advisable to drink lots of water.

2. Consuming jengkol will surely cause bad breath, because the distinctive odor that can cause bad breath and smelly during urination.

Benefits Petai And Side Effects.

Petai stored in the womb and nutritional substances such as sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber content naturally. The nutritional content of the natural sugar content that can generate energy large enough to those who consume them. In addition, other content in Petai such as carbohydrates, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin A, iron and minerals is higher than the apple. Therefore, despite having a bad smell but petai also have substantial benefits for health.

benefits Petai

Benefits of eating petai, among which:

1. Can help reduce stomach acid and overcome the irritation by coating the stomach.
2. Prevent and cope with stress
3. Prevents anemia
4. Prevent constipation
5. Preventing mosquito bites and reduce the itching from insect bites by way of rubbing a banana peel on the skin.
6. Smooth bowel movement

The side effects of petai

Petai consume excessive side effects, such as:

1. High amino acid content can damage the health of the kidneys, it is not recommended for patients 2. With kidney disease to eat a banana.
3. Increased uric acid and rheumatism.
4. Cause dizziness / headache
5. Bad breath

For those of you who like both types of this plant, you have to be careful not to go overboard in taking it


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