Benefits of Papaya Mask and How to Make it

Benefits of Papaya Mask and How to Make it - Will discuss the benefits of papaya mask for skin, hair and breasts can be an alternative in beauty treatments. Find out here how to make papaya mask which is easily done at home.

Papaya is a fruit that used to live in a tropical climate like in Indonesia. The fruit is easy to get anywhere, especially in the villages and in the countryside. And how to plant it is very easy, even by just throwing seeds into the garden pepeya can grow on its own without being treated. There are various benefits of papaya that is for consumption as food. Starting from the leaves that can be made fresh vegetables or vegetable, fruit mature so daily nutritional intake and raw fruit can also be processed in made candied papaya.
Benefits of Papaya Mask and How to Make it

Besides papaya can also be used to be made in herbal medicine and skin care health and beauty skin. In this article we will discuss the papaya fruit to be made in papaya mask. What are the benefits and usefulness of papaya mask? And like where I make papaya mask? Let us see review below:

Benefits of Papaya Mask

There are so many benefits of papaya, ranging from papaya, papaya leaves can be used for fresh vegetables or vegetables and contain that can add to blood. Papaya fruit in addition to eat is also beneficial to the make masks facials, hair masks and masks papaya can also tighten the breast.

1. Papaya Mask for Face

The first that will be discussed are the benefits of papaya mask for the face. By using papaya mask regularly on your face, the active ingredient contained in papaya fruit such as vitamin A, C, papain, alpha hydroxi acid (AHA), potassium that can moisturize, tighten and smooth the skin you once regenerates the skin and exfoliate dead skin to avoid acne and skin dull and dry.

How to make a mask of papaya, papaya prepare ripe small then peeled and seeded it clean. After that, cut the size of a papaya fruit was diced and then blend until smooth. And maskerpun already finished and ready for use. Before using wash your face first premises to clean warm water and dry with a towel. After that, apply a mask of papaya earlier to the entire surface of the skin until evenly distributed and not to hit the eye. let a few minutes until the mask dries a little bit back then wipe your face with cold water until clean. Do this treatment every day for maximum results maintain the health of your skin

In addition to papaya, you can also combine it with other natural ingredients to increase the benefits and usefulness as a combination of papaya and pure honey. This combination is very good for the skin and clean the black spots on the face. Or it could be a combination of lemon or lime.

2. Papaya Mask for Hair

In addition to papaya facial mask is also very useful for health care for the hair and scalp them: can melebatkan hair, mengutakan hair and prevent hair loss, dandruff and lice eradicate the signs and act as a natural hair conditioner that nourish the scalp to the hair unjung. How to make a mask, siapkkan the following materials:

¼ gr ripe papaya fruit
1 ripe banana (bananas any)
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 tablespoon molasses
1 cup plain yogurt
Put all ingredients into a blender and grind until smooth. And hair mask is ready to use.

Previously used to clean your hair with shampoo and dry use water that is not too wet and immediately smeared mask was on the hair and scalp with a delicate massage, massage in order to smooth blood circulation thereby stimulating the hair follicle so the hair fertile and grow faster. Afterwards close to furl Handung your hair and leave for 30 menitan that masks work nourish the scalp and hair. once finished, wash your hair with shampoo using syampo until clean.

The second step you can make a mask of papaya for a natural conditioner. The way to combine papaya with honey, milk, and fresh yohurt and blender all ingredients until smooth. Then use for your hair conditioner. wash your hair before and after using it. Perform routine.

To get rid of dandruff and itching of the scalp, you can use a combination of papaya and lemon juice, how blender papaya taste until smooth and then mix the juice jruk lime or lemon to the dough papaya and apply on your scalp while in massage, massage smooth so dirt and dandruff easily shed when in the clear water-borne later. Let stand for 30 menitan after that wash with shampoo as usual.

3. Papaya Mask to tighten Breasts

Who would have thought if the papaya fruit can take care of the health and beauty of the breast. Papaya fruit can tighten sagging breasts like malnutrition, childbirth and breastfeeding and other faaktor.

Although many other ways such as by injection breast megencang. Oprasi and so forth, in addition to the price of maintenance is almighty, the risk and impact of any future also very dangerous and even life threatening. Maybe this could be a consideration for those who want to tighten the breasts better choose a safe and natural manner. Ie with papaya mask. The content in papaya fruits such as vitamin C is good for rejuvenating the skin and other compounds that work stimulating hormone and gland so breast milk will contain and toned.

How to make, prepare ripe papaya fruit then peeled and seeded and then blend until smooth and you can directly use the mask on your paudara. how clean the breast area first with a towel soaked in warm water. Then apply the mask to the breast until evenly in a circular motion around the circle breast with opposite directions of each other. Perform massage for 5 minutes and then let it stick to the mask for 30 minutes then wipe again with a cloth towel soaked in warm water until clean. Make setiaphari bedtime.

You could also do the breast care from the inside by drinking fruit juice or raw papaya. how easy, you just prepare one young papaya fruit is then peeled and clean the seeds and then rinse thoroughly, then blend until smooth into juice marsh. You can add sugar or honey for sweetener so bad at drinking. Taken 2 times a day on a daily basis until you feel the change. You do not need to worry because the papaya juice is healthy and not harmful to the health of your body.

Up here reviews of Papaya Mask, you can immediately try it at home easily. Read also benefits papaya. Hopefully useful and good luck!


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