Itself Character Education In Islam

Itself Character Education In Islam - Education is a learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, character, and skills needed him, the community, the nation and the State by means pemebelajaran, guidance, training and all that lasts a lifetime.

From the above, it is clear that education not only focuses on the intellectual but also the formation of character. Education is not just a learning process in order to pursue intelligence but also have to develop other potential possessed learners and caught the attention of educators in order to develop optimally.
Itself Character Education In Islam

Speaking of characters, some suggest good and bad human character is indeed congenital. If the innate good soul, then humans will be of good character. But that opinion could be wrong. If the opinion is right, then the character education is useless, because it would not be possible to change the character of the person.

Meanwhile, there is also an opinion that the characters can be shaped and pursued. In this argument implies that character education is very useful for humans to change the character well. In the Koran, human beings are creatures with a variety of characters. Within the framework of big man has two opposing characters, the character is good and bad. As Allah says in the letter ash-Sham verses 8-10, which means:

"So Allah revealed to the soul of the (road) wickedness and piety. Successful indeed are those who purify the soul. And Truly lost the person who contaminated ". (Q.S. ash-Sham: 8-10).

Character can be defined also by the values of human behavior associated with the Almighty God, ourselves, our fellow human beings, environment and nationality embodied in thoughts, attitudes, feelings, words and actions are based on religious norms, laws, manners , culture and customs prevailing in the environment.

According to Islamic terminology, understanding the character, has a close understanding of the moral sense. Etymologically, the word comes from the Arabic character (اخلاق), the plural form of mufradnya khuluq (خلق), which means "manners". Synonyms is ethical and moral. Ethics comes from the Latin, meaning ethic habits. Moral also comes from the Latin as well, which means the mores habits.

From the above it, the character is synonymous with morality, so that the character can be interpreted as the embodiment of the values of human behavior that is universal and covers all human activities, both human relationship with God (hablumminallah), the relationship between humans (hablumminannas) as well as the human relationship with the environment.

Those values formulated by the Ministry of National Education (2010), as cited by Muhammad Kosin, ie there were 18 grades as

1. Religious
Docile attitudes and behavior in carrying out the teachings of his religion, tolerant implementation of the practice of other religions, and live in harmony with other faiths.

2. Honest
 Behavior based on an attempt to make himself as the person who always believed in words, actions, and jobs.

3. Tolerance
Attitudes and actions that respects differences of religion, race, ethnicity, opinions, attitudes, and actions of others who are different from themselves.

4. Discipline
Measures indicating orderly behavior and comply with various rules and regulations.

5. Work Hard
Measures indicating orderly behavior and comply with various rules and regulations.

6. Creative
Thinking and doing something to generate new ways or the result of something that has been owned.

7. Independent
Attitudes and behavior that is not easily dependent on others to complete tasks.

8. Democratic
How to think, behave and act the same rights and obligations judging himself and others.

9. Curiosity
Attitudes and actions are always working to find more depth and breadth of something learned, seen, and heard.

10. National Spirit
How to think, act, and sound that puts the interests of the nation above personal interest and his group.

11. Nationalism
How to think, act, and sound that puts the interests of the nation above personal interest and his group.

12. Rewarding Achievement
Attitudes and actions that drove him to produce something useful for society, and recognize and respect other people's success.

13. Friendly / Communicative
 Attitudes and actions that drove him to produce something useful for society, and recognize and respect other people's success.

14. Love Peace
Attitudes and actions that drove him to produce something useful for society, and recognize and respect other people's success.

15. Joy of Reading
Habits take time to read the various readings are on virtue for him.

16. Environmental Care
Attitudes and actions which seeks to prevent damage to the surrounding natural environment, and develop measures to repair the environmental damage that has occurred.

17. Social Care
Attitudes and actions always wanted to help other people and communities in need.

18. Responsibility
Attitude and behavior of people to carry out their duties and obligations, he should do, to themselves, society, environment (natural, social and cultural), country and God Almighty.

As explained above, that the character is synonymous with morality. Then the Islamic perspective, character or noble character is an outcome resulting from the application of Shari'a (Worship and muamalah) based on the solid foundation of aqidah and leaning on al-Quran and as-Sunna (traditions).

Moral education and character education are the same, both the formation of character. The difference is that if moral education to the east-easterlies impressed and Islamic, character education while impressed westernized and secular. all that is no reason to be debated and disputed. In fact both have room to co-exist.

Thus, if thus far character education has been successfully formulated by the penggiatnya come to the stage that it is operative that includes methods, strategies and techniques, while the moral education requirements with the information criteria of an ideal and a source of good character, and therefore if the two combined would be perfect in formation of human character. This also can be a plus that the character has a strong bond with the values of spirituality and religion.

According to Abd. Hamid stated that:

الاء خلقهى صفات الانسان الاءدابية

This means:

"Morals are all educated human nature".

Understanding the statement can be understood that the nature or potential brought humans from birth, that this potential depends how coaching and formation. If the impact is positive, then the same as character education, moral education is also the output is of noble character and vice versa if negative coaching, formed are the morals madzmumah ..

Thus al-Ghazali defines morality as follows:

"Morality is a temperament (character / character) who settled in the soul and the source of the emergence of certain deeds of him easily and lightly without thinking or premeditated".

But from the statement of Al-Ghazali, character education and moral education can not fully disamaka. This is because the character is a trait that suddenly appear without thought out in advance. While the character is a trait that can be shaped and pursued.

From the above it can be concluded that the definition of character education is not the kind of subjects such as Islamic Religious Education (PAI), Pancasila Moral Education (PMP) or more, but the process of internalization or cultivation of positive values to students so that they have character good (good character) in accordance with the values referred either from religion, culture, and philosophy of the State.

Thus, character education in the view of Islam is a conscious effort made educators for learners to shape the personality of learners who teach and form the moral, ethical, and a sense of cultural good and noble that fosters the ability of learners to make decisions good and bad and to realize kindness in everyday life by way of education, teaching, guidance and training are guided by the al-Quran and as-Sunna.


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