Characteristics Of Educators Islam

Characteristics Of Educators Islam- In Islamic education, an educator should have characteristics that can distinguish it from others. In this case the An-Nahlawi divide Muslim educators characteristics to several forms, such as:

Characteristics Of Educators Islam

1. Characteristically sincere: sebagaipendidik his duties solely to seek the pleasure of God and uphold the truth.
2. Have the character and nature of rubbaniyah.
3. Characteristically patient in teaching.
4. Be honest in conveying what he knows.
5. Being able to use teaching methods vary.
6. Ability to manage a class and determine psychic protege, firm and proportional.
characteristics of educators

While the same criteria Al-Abrasyi imposes limits on the characteristics of educators, including:

1. An educator should have the ascetic nature that is carried on not simply because of the material but more than that is seeking the pleasure of Allah.

2. An educator should be clean physically from all kinds of dirt and clean the soul of all kinds of despicable nature.

3. An educator should Ikhlas, no riya ', forgiving, and loving students also know the characteristics of their students.

The characteristics that must be owned by an educator that is based on the approach to the values of the Qur'an, among others are:

1. Have a moral.
That is noble, and has the character, temperament behavior or good character as examples for young students.

2. Falsehood illusion.
Want a big heart and admit the problem and do not justify the mistake of prioritizing the truth both in the classroom and in the school environment.

3. Being able to steer clear of falsehood illusion:

4. Worship God.
Namely religious and believe in God.

5. Wise
Certain characteristics of the behavior or attitude of an educator in teaching.

6. Be aware
Let educators realize that he is an example for young protege, and realize any flaws in him to be able to turn out to be a better educator.

7. Take the experience
Let an educator can take lessons from the experiences he had while teaching, in order to be a guide to correct any errors that have occurred.

Teachers are human beings and as human beings in carrying out a role as an educator and leader for students in the implementation of PBM (Teaching and Learning) they belong to its own character.

And as educators, this task is a tough job and difficult to achieve by a person if he does not have the character of educators. An educator has the properties tested and able to adapt well to the learners and the community, and this is maybe a stance that presented quran with ulul said al-Bab.

Professionalism is the key principal educator smooth and successful learning process in educational institutions.


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