Lagari Hasan Celebi – The First Rocketeer

"I have learned to use the word 'impossible' with the greatest caution." (Wernher von Braun - Rocket Pioneer) Preparation Day Istanbul, Turkey, 1633 The water lapped against the docks of Sarayburnu as the last glimmer of light disappeared over the horizon and left a reddish tint against the clouds. Lagari Hasan Celebi shifted his position to allow what remained of the fading light to shine on the odd looking flying machine; a cold metallic object that bore no resemblance to any bird. He planned to use this contraption to launch himself into the sky and into history. The blue coned minarets and white domes of Topkapi Palace poked out above the lush green forest which separated Lagari’s team at Sarayburnu and the Sultan’s Palace. Abdullah his student lay struggling on the pier with his arm up the nozzle of rocket number six. Ahmed and Mustapha held the rocket steady as Chol the African slave looked on. Lagari stared at the busy foursome but the test flight five days a...