Which Calendar is More Accurate - The Pope's or Omar Khayyam's?

Every culture and region has its own calendar. Since the European Renaissance the modern world revolves around the Gregorian calendar but is there another calendar that is more accurate? Accuracy of the Gregorian Calendar The Gregorian calendar was created in 1582 based on the refinement of the Justinan calendar. The Justinian calendar was 11 minutes longer than the actual year (every 400 years the calendar was off by 3 days) and the Gregorian calendar set out to fix this “drift”. The Gregorian calendar added a leap year ever 4 years except the centurial years which could be a leap year if it was divisible by 400. With this mathematical foot work, the European mathematicians created a calendar that was 10.8 seconds longer than the actual year (every 8000 years the Gregorian calendar would be off by 1 day). But is there another calendar more accurate than the Gregorian calendar? Omar Khayyam Omar Khayyam was born in the year 1048 in Nishapur in modern day Iran. He was a mathematical a...